The Marquis de Vauban – 14” X 18” – Acrylic and mixed media on wood.

This customized piece was painted to celebrate a lady I had the pleasure of meeting last October at Manoir Hovey in North Hatley.

Discreetly, her husband Guilhem asked me to paint a rabbit, with the only hint being her affinity for the colour purple. Hence, you’ll notice the predominant shades of purple and violet in our subject. To complement this stylish character, you will notice the ochre yellow in the background.

Born in 1964, Christine is a native of Lille, in France. Therefore, I thought it would be appropriate to entitle this piece “LE MARQUIS DE VAUBAN,” paying homage to the engineer who designed several fortresses, including the one in Lille in the 17th century.

I would like to thank Guilhem for trusting me in creating this artwork. May this painting make you smile at every glance and remind you to never forget your roots, the ones that define and characterize you forever.

Wishing you a very happy birthday, dear Christine.

Yours in colours,