BORIS – 30” X 48” – Acrylic and mixed media on canvas.

First of all, I would like to offer my sincere condolences to the Brott family and to the Orchestre Classique de Montréal.

This unique piece pays homage to a great man. A character who touched many souls on his journey.

Embedded within the layers of paint, you will discover several items specific to our maestro’s life.

At the top of the painting, locate the welcoming words BONSOIR LES AMIS that he expressed before each concerts. Please note the program and the musical score of the opera Carmen, his last performance with the OCM; which I had the chance to attend.

You can also find a text paying homage to his mother Lotte Brott, also remembered as a great musician. 

When Boris turned 18, he had the chance to receive valuable advice from the iconic composer Leonard Bernstein.  In order to celebrate this timeline, I invite you to locate the musical score of “SOMEWHERE” from West Side Story composed by Bernstein.

His hand reveals a wealth of information. You can find several qualities that our leader owned. Not only was he an outstanding musician, but this mentor had the predisposition to share his passion and compassion with all those he met.

Boris was also a philosopher. In fact, in one of his last emails to the OCM staff, he wrote: “Life is resplendent with possibilities for positive reinforcement” (see on palm of his hand).

On the right side of his jacket, you can notice his year of birth (1944) while on the opposite side, on his collar, you can guess the black and white keys reminiscent of a piano keyboard.

I now direct your attention on his left eyebrow that reveals the colours of Ukraine. Boris’ mother had Ukrainian origins as well the OCM’s general manager, Mr. Taras Kulish. It goes without saying that Boris supported the country’s cause with deep solidarity, wearing a pin during his last performances.

I would like to thank the OCM for trusting me in the creation of this work. May this piece make you smile at every glance and remind you of the legacy Maestro Boris Brott left us as well as the precious moments spent in his presence. He will forever share his love of music as well as his love for his family and friends (see LOVE on his left ear). 

Rest in peace dear Boris and many thanks for the music!

Yours in colours,